This Place is a Message


In 1993, a report from Sandia National Laboratories provided the following message as an example of what long term nuclear warnings should evoke : “Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture. This place is not a place of honor. No highly esteemed deed is commemorated here. Nothing valued is here. What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us.”

Combining this message with the omnipresent dog poop sign, "This Place is a Message" foretells the need for such reminders even in the distant, end-of-half-life future. It aims to be a satirical testament to the consequences of human negligence, juxtaposed against the triviality of a common, yet unsuccessful reminder of our civic duties.



Dione Lee


Ethan Sim

Fallow Frames Biennial 2024

July 13 — 14, 2024
Ridgewood, Queens NY

2pm — 7pm

24 Empty Tree Beds - 25 Participating Artists

Ridgewood’s sidewalks have over 800 empty tree beds - or roughly one for every 90 residents. 

The Fallow Frames Biennial is an upcoming public art festival that will be held on July 13th and 14th, where local artists are invited to use 24 abandoned tree beds to stage site-specific installations and performances.

Visitors are invited to wander the neighborhood as active participants in a larger narrative of renewal and artistic expression - and to spark conversations about urban ecology and these small neglected patches of the city’s landscape.

Festival Map