


Jude Tallichet

Jude Tallichet lives and works in Queens, NY. She has exhibited nationally and internationally in venues such as the Konsthallen in Gothenburg, Sweden, The Shanghai Biennial in China, The Busan Biennial in Korea, The Tirana Biennial in Albania, the “Officina America” exhibition in Bologna, Italy, and at PeriogiGallery in Leipzig, Germany. Her work was included in the 2016 Borås International Sculpture Biennial in Borås, Sweden. She had six solo exhibitions at Sara Meltzer Gallery, NYC,2000-2009 and a project room at PS1 MOMA. She has had solo shows at Smack Mellon in Brooklyn, 2020, the Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum, the Burnet Gallery in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Robert Miller Gallery, NYC. She was a featured performer in the Iron Artist Event at PS 1 MOMA, organized by Cabinet Magazine.

Jude spent a year in Brazil as a Senior Fulbright Fellow and hasreceived fellowship grants in sculpture from the National Endowment for the Arts and from the New York Foundation for the Arts. She has received residencies at the Rosa de la Cruz Collection, MacDowell Colony, the Millay Colony and at the Civitella Ranieri Center in Umbertide, Italy. She is Professor Emeritus, Sculpture, at the Tyler School of Art, where she taught 1987-2016. Jude was a founding member of the band Ultra Vulva and has collaborated on video and performance projects with a diverse collection of artists and musicians, including Jeanine Antoni, Kristin Lucas, Doug Henderson, and a cricket project with Adam Brody. Her work is in the permanent collection of the Denver Art Museum and Phoenix Museum of Art.

Fallow Frames Biennial 2024

July 13 — 14, 2024
Ridgewood, Queens NY

2pm — 7pm

24 Empty Tree Beds - 25 Participating Artists

Ridgewood’s sidewalks have over 800 empty tree beds - or roughly one for every 90 residents. 

The Fallow Frames Biennial is an upcoming public art festival that will be held on July 13th and 14th, where local artists are invited to use 24 abandoned tree beds to stage site-specific installations and performances.

Visitors are invited to wander the neighborhood as active participants in a larger narrative of renewal and artistic expression - and to spark conversations about urban ecology and these small neglected patches of the city’s landscape.

Festival Map