Raising the Rainbow Sky

Cecilia André will have two short performances on July 13 and 14 at 3:30pm & 5:30pm

with an installation on view through throughout the biennial.

"Raising the Rainbow Sky" is a mesh parachute with sections of rainbow colors in color vinyl. Participants hold handles of the parachute to create a field of rainbow sections illuminated by sunshine. Other participants are invited to use white clothing or use a a white fabric poncho provided by me to experience this multi-color bath. Projected color shadows are ephemeral yet totally magical. Together we can restore a feeling of communal hopefulness.



Cecilia André

As an immigrant New York-based artist, I derive inspiration from Latin American and Middle Eastern textile traditions. By manipulating transparencies and fabrics, I transform recycled materials into installations.. The colors in my art ignite imaginations and challenge consumerism. 

Initially a painter,  I now create multi-sensory environments  using vinyl to “shape light” into immersive sculptures. Through my artistic practice, I reveal diverse viewpoints, fostering social bonds that reimagine our collective potential. My participatory installations invite the communal transformation of both materials and communities.

Fallow Frames Biennial 2024

July 13 — 14, 2024
Ridgewood, Queens NY

2pm — 7pm

24 Empty Tree Beds - 25 Participating Artists

Ridgewood’s sidewalks have over 800 empty tree beds - or roughly one for every 90 residents. 

The Fallow Frames Biennial is an upcoming public art festival that will be held on July 13th and 14th, where local artists are invited to use 24 abandoned tree beds to stage site-specific installations and performances.

Visitors are invited to wander the neighborhood as active participants in a larger narrative of renewal and artistic expression - and to spark conversations about urban ecology and these small neglected patches of the city’s landscape.

Festival Map